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FanastasiasEstates™ was founded in 2020 by Michael Duncombe as the holding company of Scholarships 4 Us® to provide a strategic agenda for the use of its annual revenue. We invest in projects that provide comprehensive ideas for America's Modern Education System for life after 2030 and to the inadequacies of quality housing. By working with industry advocates including non-profits, developers, and property management companies, we provide funding, charitable contributions and gifts for organizations that are committed to providing affordable, sustainable, and prudent solutions - 4 Us. 

Scholarships 4 Us®

FanastasiasEstates™ is accountable for the appointment of Scholarships 4 Us® Governing Members and has the Authority of Removal for its leadership positions. Scholarships 4 Us® is formed to operate independently of its ownership company and any inquiries should be directed to its contact page. The Scholarships 4 Us® Financials and Operating Agreement can be found on FanastasiasEstates™ website.  The purpose of establishing an umbrella company is to ensure that the subsidiary company maintains checks and balance. 

Diverse Children
Scholarships 4 Us® Logo

FanastasiasEstates™ will be a source of funding for a SAFE Initiative (Secure, Affordable, Flexible, Explorative) to ensure there is an end to school shootings and the indoctrination of America's Corporate Training Manual. We are a source of funding for strategic solutions in the formation of America's Modern Education System that prepares us for life after 2030. 


FanastasiasEstates™ plans are for former Student-Participants to have an affordable and secure housing solution after their eligibility time period. It is a designed plan to create an umbilical system from the time of enrollment to post graduation.   

We donate to charitable organizations that provide permanent housing solutions to low-income individuals and families.

volunteer workers
development team

Non-profit real estate developers take precedence over for-profit enterprises. We either provide contributions or invest in community development projects under The Estates of Fanastasia™ brand. 

Our goal is to align with reputable and trustworthy property management companies for our projects as they are the foundation for creating an inclusive environment. 

property manager
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